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How to Effectively Promote Channels on Telegram?

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Evgeny Fomenko photo
Evgeny Fomenko2024-09-13
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In 2024, the number of Telegram users exceeded 900 million people. Although Telegram has not yet caught up with the market leader WhatsApp with its 2 billion users, the rapid growth of its audience and constant improvements in functionality make it an attractive tool for businesses of any scale.

What's important is not just the number of Telegram users, but also their composition. Are your potential partners or clients among them? To answer this question, first, you need to look at the geography. If your target audience is based in India, Russia and the Russian-speaking community, Indonesia, the USA, and Egypt (these are the top 5 countries by messenger popularity), then Telegram will definitely be useful for you.

Secondly, in which industries does your audience operate? If it's online earnings, traffic arbitrage, affiliate marketing, and digital marketing in general with a focus on Black hat SEO, then also pay close attention to Telegram.

It's worth noting that many iProxy proxy farmers run their own Telegram channels (by the way, our English-speaking community, where you can buy ready-made mobile proxies, is also there). Many make Telegram their main showcase platform for their store, especially when starting a business when there's no need for a separate website yet.

But how do you develop your Telegram channel? How do you attract the right audience and keep their attention? We've prepared answers to these questions in this joint article with our friends from AffCommunity!

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The Basics: Foundation of a Successful Telegram Channel

Promoting a Telegram channel is not fundamentally different from developing any other media resource. As in other cases, it's useful to perform several preparatory steps. We won't delve into long marketing theorizing, so we'll provide the most basic and minimal recommendations.

1. Define Your Goals

What benefit do you want to get from the channel? Options can be varied: a showcase channel for direct one-time sales, a tool for maintaining contact with existing customers and strengthening their loyalty, an entertainment or educational channel for native promotion of your products, a platform for cross-promotion with partners, a stage for self-expression, and much more.

The more precisely you understand your goals, the more effective all further work will be. Defining success criteria will also depend on defining goals. These can be not only subscribers (subscribers themselves are only useful if you plan to earn on the channel as an advertising platform for sale), but also conversions to purchase, transitions to your external resources, etc.

2. Understand Your Target Audience

Define the gender, age, income, place of residence, field of work, interests, favorite movies and music of your audience. Favorite words and memes. What does this person love? What makes them laugh? What angers them? What do they hate? What are they afraid of? The more accurately you answer these questions, the better you can "target" your audience with your content and advertising.

3. Think Through Your Content Plan

Decide what you will publish and how often. Why does your target audience need these publications? And why do you need them? Where will you get the material? Do you have enough resources for such material? Do you plan interactivity and communication with the audience? Again, many questions, and again each answer will bring you closer to effectively achieving the goals from point 1.

At this stage, it will be useful to evaluate the content plan of competitors - that is, channels aimed at the same target audience and having approximately the same goals as you. Compiling a list and analyzing such channels will be useful not only for possible refinement of your own content plan based on others' experience but also for further promotion through cross-promotion or advertising purchases.

Telegram scraping will help you quickly compile a list of best practices from competing channels. For example, quickly and 100% accurately answer the question: "Which posts and channels collect the most likes, comments, and views?" For scraping Telegram channels, you will need the following:

  1. Several Telegram accounts.
  2. Mobile proxies with rotation (iProxy is a great option).
  3. A scraping script (you can find ready-made scripts in open access in expert articles or on GitHub, but use other people's scripts only if you understand what's written there and are sure that the script won't harm your device).

4. Choose a Promotion Strategy

There are numerous options here, much will depend on your goals, audience, and, of course, resources (both monetary and "contacts" in the industry for cross-promotion). Here's a list of the most popular promotion options:

  • Free cross-promotions with channels of similar themes with approximately the same number of subscribers. Can be implemented in the form of mutual reposts, guest posts, joint broadcasts, etc.
  • Paid advertising purchases in other channels. Various formats and creatives are also possible.
  • Telegram Ads. Advertising in other channels through the Telegram exchange (usually more expensive).
  • External platforms. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and any others.
  • Posts and articles aimed at reposting (organic growth)
  • Sticker packs.
  • Telegram bots with channel advertising integration.
  • Comments in other channels on behalf of your own (requires Telegram Premium).
  • Participation in folders.
  • Participation in collections.
  • Advertising in third-party channels where your channel is mentioned among others.
  • Hashtags. A relatively new tool that implements transitions by hashtag in a post between different channels.

Next, we give the floor to AffCommunity so they can share their expertise and recommendations specifically regarding the purchase of paid placements in other Telegram channels. On the AffCommunity website, you can also find a separate article about effective promotion of Telegram channels.

Purchasing Advertising in Other Telegram Channels

Analyzing Telegram Channels

iProxy Online

The most important tool for analyzing Telegram channels is Telemetr. This service is widely used by channel owners making purchases, as well as advertising managers (sellers). Alternative options are Tgstat, as well as the TelegaIn exchange.

Telemetr allows you to track:

  • Telegram channels by categories and topics, taking into account their indicators;
  • All sold/purchased advertising spots of all time;
  • Approximate return on each purchased/sold advertisement - number of transitions.

Only the paid version is equipped with full functionality. The costs of acquiring it pay off if you regularly use the service.

For effective work, you should create a table for all purchases made. This document needs to be regularly maintained. It will display all purchases and the effectiveness of posts placed in channels.

Each topic has its own CPM coefficient. This is essentially the price per thousand views. It can range from $1.6 to even $11. You can calculate the price of an advertising spot by multiplying the indicator by the number of views on the channel per day.

Here's an example calculation. When placed in 1/24 format, the ad stays at the top for exactly 1 hour, not overlapping with the channel's content. It stays in the feed for a total of 24 hours (until deletion). If CPM=$3, then with a post gaining 6-7 thousand views in 24 hours, the cost of the advertising spot will be $18-21. Depending on the content plan, you can embed several advertising posts - 2, 3, and even 6.

The owner can artificially arouse curiosity in the potential audience. For example, they might write in an advertising post about the threat of closing the channel. In this case, users may specifically check to see the content.

However, 98% of visitors won't verify the published information. After clicking on the advertising post, they may subscribe if they like the content, and then return to the previous channel. Therefore, such techniques work quite effectively.

This type of creative ensures good purchase metrics. You can post a photo with a bottle of alcohol behind the wheel. Such methods work successfully in the "Politics" category, as if the authorities are trying to shut down a rebellious blogger.

The price here can be $0.19-0.25 per subscriber, with a CPM level of about $1.5-3.

The next important point is the engagement of the channel's audience. It's important that subscribers forward your posts and read them within a maximum of 2 days. In Telemetr, the engagement level is designated as ER. You should aim for the maximum value of this indicator.

Reactions and comments from subscribers are also important.

How to Select Channels for Advertising?

iProxy Online

After choosing the theme and content, you need to select different Telegram channels for various creatives where the advertisement will be placed. Track statistics for each one separately.

When selecting channels, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Audience growth over different time periods (week, month). A positive indicator is marked in green in the service. You need to choose significant growth. If a channel has 150 subscribers, but the growth for the month is only 1k, this is a poor value. It means there's practically no growth, the audience isn't refreshing. There's a plateau. If you bought posts there last month, the advertising won't have much effect.

  2. Audience activity. This is determined by two parameters: ER (engagement) and Forwards. Preferably, the ER should be at least 10-15. In a channel with 100k users, you can aim for at least 100 forwards; if it's 500, that's excellent.

Here's an example of good statistics for advertising purchase. A total of 147k subscribers, with a monthly growth of 23.5k, and weekly growth of 3.6k. There's no plateau, showing steady growth. The audience is constantly refreshing. ER is 61%, meaning more than half of the subscribers actively interact with the channel and its content. Advertising is regularly sold and purchased in large batches.

If the channel provides contact information for advertising, write to the admins. If there's no contact information, don't waste time looking for it. Most likely, the channel owner doesn't deal with advertising.

In your message, ask about the possibility of placement in the near future and provide a link to your channel. If the request is approved, send the advertising post and a special link to track click-through statistics (this needs to be generated separately).

At first, it will be a bit difficult to navigate prices. Some sellers might significantly inflate them. However, with experience and knowledge of the market, it will become easier to negotiate and make final decisions.

How to Track Statistics?

In Telegram, there's a possibility to create an unlimited number of invitation links equipped with a timer.

Therefore, separate links are created for each advertising channel. These should be immediately entered into the table. The amount spent on the purchase is divided by the number of new subscribers from the advertising post (or the channel as a whole). This way, you get the average cost per subscriber for each channel. Analyzing this information will help determine the feasibility of cooperation with various channels.

An important point: Sometimes an admin might promise good click-throughs, but in reality, very few users clicked through. Another situation - the admin might have deleted the post earlier than the agreed time (accidentally or deliberately). In such cases, don't hesitate to write and demand a partial refund. You can also request a screenshot or forward a message through a bot about the post in the queue.

Final Advice

Always create vertical content. Even if it's only related to your topic.

Liked the article? Head over to the AffCommunity blog and read cool tips in the field of Affiliate marketing. The editors share only relevant information.

What's Next After You've Promoted Your Telegram?

If you've managed to achieve a stable influx and retention of your target audience, successfully overcome several initial round numbers of subscribers, have a few viral reposted posts in reserve, it makes sense to return to the initial analysis and look again at your goals, content plan, and promotion strategy. You may want to refine something you formulated earlier based on your new experience.

Often at this stage, there may be a temptation to add additional monetization of subscribers by selling advertising posts or increasing advertising content for your own products and services. This can provide earnings in the moment, however, if you're aiming to work "for the long haul", it will be useful to dose the amount of advertising and build a loyal community of subscribers. An engaged and loyal audience will stay with you for a longer time and in the long run can give a greater response to advertising.

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Read more useful materials about Affiliate marketing on the AffCommunity blog.

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