End user - the user who connects to the proxy (uses the proxy or .OVPN config)
Wi-Fi split - an option in Android application iProxy, which allows to reduce traffic consumption by 2 times and can improve proxy speed.
iProxy Relay Server - intermediate server between the end user and Android-phone. The end user connects to the iProxy Relay Server, which, in its turn, connects to the traffic of Android-phone.
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Websites are visited by the phone using the Mobile Internet, then content from the phone is sent to the iProxy Relay Server. The download speed of the Mobile Internet is responsible for the speed of loading the sites. The upload speed is responsible for the speed of sending data to the iProxy Server.
Learn more in the article "The path of traffic"
Traffic from the phone is sent by the Outgoing traffic of the Mobile Internet without Wi-Fi Split. If the download speed of the mobile internet is 20 Mbps and the upload speed is 3 Mbps, then websites are loading with the speed 20 Mbps, but the traffic is sending to the iProxy Relay Server with the speed 3 Mbps. Therefore, through the proxy, the Download and Upload speed will not be faster than 3 Mbps. That is, the speed of the proxy is limited by the minimum speed of the Download and Upload speed of the mobile Internet.
As you can see from the principle of operation, the phone downloads sites at first(normal traffic consumption), then the traffic is sent to the Server (double traffic consumption is obtained). Thus, the traffic consumption is doubled from the usual amount if Wi-Fi Split is turned off.
There is a simultaneous load on the mobile operator without Wi-Fi Split even with a good Upload speed because the Download speed loads the sites and the Upload speed sends data to the server. Due to the simultaneous load, the speed of Download and Upload gets less, and, as a result, the speed through the proxy can be 10-20% less than on the phone.
The traffic from the phone is sent to the iProxy Relay Server with Wi-Fi Split option enabled via the home Wi-Fi, which is fast and unlimited all over the world.
Due to the fact that the traffic is sent via Wi-Fi, and not via the mobile Internet, the SIM card retains the usual traffic consumption. Thus, there is no double consumption of the traffic.
Wi-Fi Split noticeably improves the speed in cases where Upload mobile Internet speed is lower than Download. Also, Wi-Fi Split improves the speed in cases where the Upload is approximately equal to the Download speed of the mobile Internet, since there is no simultaneous load on the mobile Internet. In cases where the Download speed of the mobile Internet is low, for example 1-2 Mbps, the speed also improves with Wi-Fi split enables, but in this example it will not be faster than 1-2 Mbps.
There IP-address of your Wi-Fi will never appear through the proxy. It is technically stated that when the Wi-Fi Split option is enabled, Wi-Fi traffic cannot be used to download sites. You can safely turn on Wi-Fi Split and be sure that traffic is transmitted reliably throughout the entire path. Thousands of iProxy users around the world have enabled Wi-Fi Split and successfully use it every day. It is highly recommended to enable Wi-Fi Split option.
Video how to set up Wi-Fi split option:
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