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All about mobile operators, SIM cards, IP addresses

The IP address of what subnet will I get?

The phone’s IP. Your proxies will share your phone’s IP address.

What SIM card should I get? Some tariff plans have restrictions regarding mobile hotspots.

The operator “sees” the person visiting websites from their phone, so feel free to get SIM cards with limited hotspot traffic. 100% verified. shows my mobile IP is blacklisted. What’s the problem and how do I solve it?

It is normal for some mobile IP addresses to get occasionally blacklisted, as it is related to mobile IP technology.

Below we will tell you why mobile proxies are popular with online marketers and then it will become clear why sometimes mobile IP addresses get blacklisted and why this is a normal situation and you can continue to work safely.

Since there are fewer mobile IP addresses than there are people who access the Internet, multiple people use the same IP address when accessing whatever sites they’re currently on. When an online marketer starts working through mobile Internet, they blend in with the “crowd” and even if they perform some “suspicious” generic actions, websites don’t ban users solely based on their IP address (since that would require them to ban ALL the other innocent people using the same IP). That’s why websites track the behavior of each particular user and based on their findings make the decision to block them or not. Uniqueize and randomize the behavior of your accounts/bots.

Because blending in with regular people is so easy, mobile proxies have become extremely popular with marketers. As a result, more and more people are using mobile proxies every day - this leads to the fact that mobile IP addresses are gradually getting blacklisted.

Conduct a simple experiment. If your IP address is currently blacklisted, toggle Airplane mode on and off, you’ll be issued a new one that can’t be blacklisted (meaning the issue doesn’t lie with your mobile operator). Repeat the steps several times and eventually you’ll come across an IP address that isn’t blacklisted.

It may also happen that in one database your IP address is blacklisted, while in others - it won’t. There’s no way to tell what databases Facebook, Yandex, Avito or whatever other platform you’re working with, use. But the very principle that sites DO NOT block users based on their mobile IP address is still relevant, since otherwise they’d also have to ban regular users that are (unwittingly) using this blacklisted IP address. Thus, both in theory and in practice, there is nothing wrong with discovering that your IP address is blacklisted.

Keep working through such IP addresses - the proxies are highly likely to do their job regardless.

However, if you are very dissatisfied with the fact that your IP addresses are often blacklisted, try changing your mobile operator. When testing an IP address to see if it’s blacklisted anywhere, you don’t necessarily need to use a proxy: just use your phone to access a browser and check (you can even use an iPhone). Traffic passing through a proxy doesn’t affect the IP address’ presence in specialized blacklists.

I’m occasionally issued the same IP addresses, can this somehow negatively affect my work?

It shouldn’t, for the same reason why mobile proxies became popular among online marketers in the first place: too few mobile IP addresses, too many people - meaning that a lot of users visit the same websites from the same IP addresses. Marketers easily blend in with the crowd of regular users.

For these exact reasons you may also occasionally get the same IP addresses. But regardless, again, you merge with a large number of people and just your IP address alone isn’t enough to get you banned, though of course it would be better for your IP addresses to be unique. If your operator gives out the same IP too often, then try using the SIM card of another mobile operator.

You can also try the UNIQUE IP feature, available on the BigDaddy PRO plan.

What do I do if my IP address doesn’t change even after I toggle Airplane mode?

Changing the phone’s IP address by toggling Airplane mode only works when the device is connected to the mobile Internet (via the SIM card).

Most likely, you’re connected to Wi-Fi. When a phone enters and leaves Airplane mode (while connected to Wi-Fi), it simply disconnects from the latter and then reconnects back. For the IP address to change, you’d have to reboot the router but that doesn’t always work: various Wi-Fi providers set forth different conditions that must be met for the IP address to change. The app has no way to alter the router.

Make sure your Android is connected to the mobile internet. If the problem persists, then contact our Telegram tech support.

Which mobile operator should I choose?
  • It is necessary for the connection to be strong, as the proxy speed depends on the Internet speed on the phone.
  • It is required for the IP address on the phone to change when entering/exiting airplane mode. Any of the major mobile operators will do. Usually, their IP changes when entering/exiting airplane mode, although there may be exceptions.
  • In Kazakhstan, the IP does not change after switching to airplane mode - Active, in Belarus, the IP does not change after switching to airplane mode - A1 and Life, in Switzerland - Sunrise.
  • Some Kazakhstani mobile operators (Tele2, Altel), as well as Tele2 in Latvia and Tele2 in Estonia, change the IP address if the phone remains in airplane mode for more than 30 seconds.
If I’m making a mobile phone farm, should I choose 1 mobile operator or several?

It’s best to use multiple mobile operators, since that way you’ll have access to a larger pool of IP addresses.

How many IP addresses will the proxies I launch from my phone have?

The number of IP addresses depends on the mobile operator (the SIM card in your phone), and on the tower to which your SIM card connects.

Different towers in different cities and belonging to different mobile operators have different numbers of issued IP addresses (pool).

You can roughly check the size of the pool and the subnets your mobile operator gives out from your phone (you can use an iPhone). Open a browser on your phone, check your IP address, toggle Airplane mode and check your IP again. Keep experimenting and see how many different subnets and IP addresses the mobile operator in your location provides you with.

Hotspot restrictions. How to bypass them.

Operators don’t qualify using the iProxy app as turning the device into a hotspot. Yet sometimes the mobile operator mistakenly thinks that the mobile Internet is distributed via Wi-Fi and subsequently introduces a restriction. Though it’s very easy to get around it: Toggle Airplane mode or just reboot the device.

Watch the video guide:

Will plans with unlimited social media traffic (and limited all other kinds) suit my needs?

They may, but not necessarily. It depends on how much traffic you consume.

When you work through a proxy, double the traffic is consumed: first, the phone visits the social network you need, and then sends the data to the server. Read more in this article.

If you have unlimited social media (but limited everything else) traffic, here’s how it’s going to work: the phone visiting social media will count towards the “unlimited” part, but the phone sending the traffic to the server won’t.

If your traffic consumption is low, this may go unnoticed and you’ll be able to meet the limit. But if you consume a lot of traffic, you risk exceeding the limit. Pick out plans and limits in accordance with your work volumes.

What is the difference between 4G and residential proxy?

4G proxies are from mobile carriers, while residential proxies originate from home ISPs.

Do proxies hide your IP?

Yes, proxies hide your IP address by acting as intermediaries between your device and the Internet. When you connect to a website through a proxy, it appears as if the request is coming from the proxy server's IP, masking your actual IP address for privacy and security.

Can I block my IP address?

Yes, using proxy to hide IP or using a VPN is a good decision. These services act as intermediaries, masking your actual IP and providing you with a different one for online activities. Keep in mind that this doesn't make you completely anonymous, but it adds a layer of privacy.

How to hide IP address on phone?

To disguise IP address on a phone, use a proxy or a VPN app from a trusted provider. These apps will route your internet traffic through a different server, masking your true IP address and providing you with a new one from the server location.

Is hiding your IP address legal?

Yes, hiding your IP address is legal. Many people use proxy servers or VPNs to hide their IP addresses for various reasons, such as protecting their privacy or bypassing geo-blocks. However, it is important to note that using these methods for illegal activities is still against the law.

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